News and updates

New website launched - 01/1/2023

We are pleased to launch our site.... READ MORE

Breakfast With Santa - 12/10/2022

The Bishop Hogan kight of Columbus nnnual breakfast with Santa. Saturday, December 10th. At the St. Dominics Parish Center. Starting at 8:30am, Santa and Mrs. Will arrive at 9:00am by firetruck. $5... READ MORE

Turkey & Ham Party - 11/5/2022

Saturday, November 5th. At the Shortsville Fire House, 5 Sheldon St. @ 7:00pm. Free Admission, Refrashments, Baked GoodsDonations Appreciated-Pre-sale tickets, and cake boxes available. Please cont... READ MORE

The Red Jacket Community Library Opens Their New location - 09/20/2022

The Red Jacket Community Library welcomes you to our new open location at 89 south main St. in Manchester.Our new hours are Tuesday, and Thursday 10am-6pm, Wednesd... READ MORE